"When Corel bought Jasc last year, the folks at Corel apparently regarded Paint Shop Pro as a fixer-upper. And sure enough, longtime users of the application will wonder what has happened to their favorite image editor when they first glance at Corel Paint Shop Pro X. Fear not: Corel has kept virtually all of Paint Shop Pro's formidable power. But the interface has undergone a drastic transformation, making the program easy on the eyes and much easier to use. It's a very good choice for enthusiasts, business users, and even pros who need image-editing muscle without the high price of Adobe Photoshop."
Appropos of the news from earlier today, PCMagazine has a review of Paint Shop Pro X. For those of you tired of paying a lot of money for Adobe Photoshop and its numerous updates, you should read this review. It concludes that Paint Shop Pro X remains a viable and cheaper alternative to Adobe Photoshop.