Saturday, September 24, 2005
DRM nightmare: Why $20,000 worth of gear won't play my 99 cent songs
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "ARTICLE" @ 05:00 AM

This is the biggest battle between corporations and consumers in the electronics industry today. Consumers want to be able to take their music, movies, and tv shows with them wherever they go. Corporations want to dictate what they can do with these files, how they can do it, and when they can do it. Encryption and fair use management have been seamless until now, and compatability has been guaranteed. CDs play in any CD player for a reason: Philips (the CD format licensee) guarantees it. They've sued several music companies recently because some of the new DRM'd music discs that have come out don't play in every CD player, therefore Philips won't let them use the CD logo and license. Corporations are intentionally trying to break compatability in an effort to carve out a market niche for themselves. Don't believe me? Just ask a high-end audio engineer, or the founder of the EFF.