Friday, October 14, 2005
Shuttle's SD11G5 XPC
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 06:00 AM

This is essentially an updated version of the ST62K that I reviewed last year, and it fixes most of the issues I had with that unit - but manages to have an even worse name. ;-) The real killer part of this unit is the support for the Pentium M processor. This means serious performance at low power consumption and almost no noise. What surprises me though is that when I saw that the power supply was 220 watts, I immediately thought "Ok, no high-powered graphics card, perhaps an NVIDIA 6600 at the most". But on the features page they say it's been tested with an NVIDIA 7800GTX. Wow! 8O I couldn't figure this out until I realized that because the Pentium M processor sips a mere 27 watts of power, it leaves much more headroom for the graphics card. On my current Shuttle (an SB95P2) the 3.4 Ghz P4 CPU guzzles close to 100 watts of power, which is why I need the 350 watt power supply to drive my 6800GT video card. Having a CPU that only needs 27 watts really changes the rules of system design.
This has to be pretty close to my dream Shuttle XPC - ultra quiet but still capable of serious gaming and digital media processing. Nicely done Shuttle!