Monday, October 17, 2005
Make Your Own AV Cables
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "ARTICLE" @ 07:00 AM

I really enjoyed Kevin's segments on The Screen Savers on TechTV, before it was bought out by G4. A real tragedy, that merger, but that's a discussion for another time and place. Better cables really do make a huge difference in your A/V experience, and I've always thought about making my own. So far I've shelled out over $500 for Monster Cable interconnects for my home theater system, and frankly, the lengths are never quite right. The area behind my TV cabinet looks like a snake pit! :lol: I'll have to give this a shot myself in the next few weeks and see if i can clean that up by making all the wiring exactly the length it needs to be, rather than the standard 1 or 2 meter lengths available from Monster.