"There are a couple of significant advantages of having the systems hardware hold the index for your music collection, most notably speed. Earlier players I’ve owned took forever to negotiate through my music. With Sonos you can wiz through your collection. The other big advantage is that the requirement for a PC running server software is completely removed. You can install a cheap NAS (network attached storage) device, plug it into your router and away you go. The Sonos supports up to 16 PCs, Macs, or NAS devices so even if you don’t have all your music in one place you can still access it easily. (check out our article on building your own Budget Jukebox Server)."
Ever since I saw the Sonos player (well over a year ago), I have loved it. The music quality is amazing, the UI is great, it looks very nice. Why o' why is it so god-damn expensive. It is still (despite the price) rated as one of the best values for the money so they are clearly doing something right. Anyone own one yet?