Wednesday, October 19, 2005
The Pepper Pad at
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "NEWS" @ 11:00 AM

I don't think I commented on the Pepper Pad before, but I was quite impressed when I saw it. My initial reaction was that it is way too huge to be realistically portable. But they are definitely targetting a different market. The device it meant to be something of a all-in-one, a laptop replacement that has a number of applications pre-loaded, almost like an internet device. I can see people using this while sitting in front of the TV or like a tablet, or sharing content on it at a family get-together (type of thing). And usability of the device is quite nice as well. I just feel that it will fail for one of two reasons - either people will dismiss it because of its price or for the same reason that the WebTV product did not take off, i.e. because people would use other more mainstream devices instead. Hmm, time will tell.