Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Toilet MP3...the Toilet that Sings!
Posted by Kent Pribbernow in "NEWS" @ 01:00 PM

Gotta go potty? Want to listen to your favorite tunes while sitting on the can? Well put away that clean white iPod, son (please! ), and say hello to Toilet MP3...the toilet that entertains as well as evacuate human waste. According to the product specs, this device plays music off a user provided SD card. Thankfully the slot isn't located on the toilet itself, so no need to wash your hands before touching your...*cough* playlist.
This product might work for some folks, but I can't imagine having such a toilet here in the Thoughts Media restrooms with Ed Hansberry sitting in the next stall. The stench alone is enough to make one vomit, I don't need to be sickened by his taste in music as well. :pukeface:
Speaking of vomit, is it just me or does that little girl appear to be puking into the toilet?