"The dividing line between digital SLRs and fixed-lens cameras has been getting pretty blurred lately, with entry level SLRs getting progressively cheaper and taking on many of the easy-to-use features of snapshot cameras, while high-end fixed-lens cameras get ever more capable and sophisticated. This camera looks, handles and performs like an SLR, and has the picture quality to match, but with a price tag of just £403.00 it is over £100 cheaper than the lowest priced SLR on the market. With its huge 28-300mm equivalent (10.7x) zoom lens permanently attached it avoids the hassle of carrying lots of extra equipment, as well as eliminating the one big problem that digital SLR owners don’t like to talk about: dust on the sensor."
The article claims that with the S9500, Fujifilm has produced what is unquestionably the best fixed-lens camera currently available. And if the quality and features are really as good as the review claims, I don't think you will be able to do any better given the price point. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised that Canon and Nikon would either lower their prices even further.