"Get MysticalŪ Lighting and CorelŪ Painter< Bundled together for $199. As a bonus, you also get training CDs and the Mac and Windows versions for each program. This is an amazing deal worth $700. You save $500. This offer will not be repeated. Quantities are limited so order while supplies last. Corel Painter IX is a wonderful program that lets you turn photos into works of art. In just a few short hours you can learn to paint and illustrate. You don't have to be a trained artist to use Painter IX. Far from it. Using built in tools in Painter IX you can trace over and around parts of a photo to create illustrated artwork. The training videos included with the Mystical Painter bundle show you how. Painter IX opens the door to learning how to paint and draw in a digital world. It is both fun and rewarding to use."
This offer expires soon - and quantities are limited so don't miss out. Normally you would pay $700 if you bought these four products separately. Purchase them as part of this limited time Mystical Painter bundle offer and you can get all four for only $199 - a savings of $500. Click the above link to purchase this bundle special before it expires. As a bonus, Mystical Painter Bundle includes training CDs for Painter IX and Mystical Lighting. You also get both the Mac and Windows versions of each product. This is quite a value for $199.