"As the battle lines were forming over future high definition DVD formats Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, impatient home theater enthusiasts have been drawn to standard definition DVD players featuring up-conversion and high definition outputs. These DVD players can convert your standard DVD video to 480p, 720p, or 1080i resolutions for use with your HDTV. The theory is that with some signal processing, the video quality can be improved enough to justify converting to a higher resolution format for compatibility with high definition televisions featuring inputs such as HDMI, DVI or component video. We decided to put the theory to the test with the LG LGDVB418 DVD player." 
I'd been wondering whether these up-converting DVD players actually made a notable difference. This review confirmed my suspisons - not really a perceptible difference. But, this is just one review, so have any of you bought an up-converting DVD player and if so, does it make a difference?