"BitTorrent founder and CEO Bram Cohen and Motion Picture Association of America CEO Dan Glickman announced an agreement between BitTorrent and the MPAA to attempt to curb online piracy by preventing the discovery of illegal movie files through the popular Peer to Peer protocol (via Digital Lifestyles). After the legal struggles and downfalls of distribution networks like Kazaa and eDonkey, BitTorrent technology came to the forefront as the tool of choice for delivering nefarious content online while maintaining anonymity. The technology has the distinct characteristic of being server-less, making it much harder to track down the publisher of the files and even harder to find someone to sue. The technology has been a bane for the Music and Movie industry."
I am sure this will have little effect, since people will either find a workaround within BitTorrent, or move on to something else. But, from a legal perspective this will demonstrate due diligence on their part and hopefully protect them from some lawsuits and perhaps be the beginning of an actual cooperative venture.