"One of the most common questions new notebook users have is "Which hard drive should I get?" There are of course a variety of answers depending on budget and uses, but quantitative answers are hard to come by. With this review, we look to comprehensively test the majority of 2.5" hard drives available today. We have all of the current models from Seagate, Hitachi, Fujitsu, Western Digital, and Toshiba. Unfortunately we did not have time to sample any Samsung drives, but it appears their drives are limited to older 5400RPM models as it is. As new drives come out, we will add individual reviews that compare results with the ones obtained in this roundup. Now let's get down to the hard drives!"
Laptop Logic has posted a hard drive comparison that covers all of your bases if you're looking to upgrade in the near future. They cover 4200, 5400 and 7200RPM drive performance as well heat and acoustic levels in the article. They have really done quite a thorough job and I definitely recommend this article.