"MP3.com founder Michael Robertson is reviving an old service with a new twist as part of his new venture called MP3tunes. The company on Wednesday launched Oboe, an online music storage locker that offers syncing and streaming capabilities. But is Robertson setting himself up for another attack by the RIAA? The new service is designed to rid users of having to carry around their music around wherever they go. "It makes more sense to safely store your music online and sync it or stream it to all the places you listen to music, which is exactly what Oboe makes possible," Robertson says."
I don't see much use in a service like this. The only place I could foresee this being useful is to stream all of your music to your computer at work. But, I doubt most IT departments would be too excited about having their users on a service like. So, at $39.95/year, do any of you see a need for this, if so, why?