Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Starship Exeter: Star Trek Reborn
Posted by Kent Pribbernow in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 02:00 AM

Cyberspace...the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Exeter. It's mission...to pick up where the original series left off. To employ amateur actors in various classic Star Trek plot recreations. To boldly go where no campy homemade sci-fi film has gone before! Ok, so it's not Leanord Nimoy and William Shatner at the helm of the Enterprise, but if you can look beyond the hammy community theater style acting, believe it or not, Starship Exeter is actually quite impressive. In fact, the first piece in the series, entitled "The Tressaurian Intersection", looks and feels so authentic, visually, it could almost be mistaken for an original Desilu production...I kid you not. The sets are especially impressive. The bridge and starship corridors are exact duplicates of the original sets designed by Matt Jeffries from the early series. The CGI-based U.S.S Exeter looks just like the real McCoy...uh, excuse the pun.
Episodes from the series are available free for download from the studio's site. Transer them onto your video iPod or PDA for viewing on the go. As I said, the acting is very amateurish...but what do expect from a group of Star Trek enthusiasts with limited acting skills on a low budget? Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor not a contributing editor!