Tuesday, December 6, 2005
RealNetworks CEO Calls Steve Jobs "Pigheaded"
Posted by Kent Pribbernow in "NEWS" @ 10:00 AM

The latest chapter in the ongoing drama between RealNetworks and Apple is entitled "Sticks and Stones." :2gunfire: This story goes back to earlier this year when Real attempted to "hack" the iPod, enabling it store and playback content from Rhapsody. Apple quickly slammed the door shut on Real's foot, which sparked off a digital content cold war...and now a war of words. What I find most interesting in this story is the name calling. That implies, to me anyway, that Glaser sees little or no hope of reaching an agreement with Apple and hopes to shame them publicly instead. Strategy, or sour grapes?
By the way, Rob...I wouldn't get too preachy about incuring the "wrath of consumers." Your company's bloated parasiteware media player (RealOne) has already enraged PC users to the point that most have uninstalled your software from their machines. Physician, heal thyself.