"Tivo, the most well known name in digital video recorders (DVR), has some new competition from computer giant Microsoft and consumer electronics company LG Electronics. The two recently teamed to announce the LG LRM-519 Digital Media Recorder, a DVR/DVD-recorder hybrid product which gets its television guide information from a special pay-for Microsoft service. The LRM-519 looks much like any other consumer electronics product designed to fit into your home entertainment setup, measuring 16.9” x 2.3” x 11.8”, weighing 11.2 pounds and sporting a blue fluorescent display. It has a variety of outputs and inputs on the back panel, including RF, digital audio, composite video, component video, standard audio, s-video, telephone, Ethernet, USB, IR controller and serial controller."
If I need to replace my Panasonic DVR any time soon, this is the device for me. Some of the cool features include expansion of the hard drive via adding USB drives and the ability to access media over your network.