"It's not earth shattering news that Sling's officially announced support for the SlingBox to stream to your WiFi or 3G enabled Pocket PC device being that we saw it demoed (and demoed well) at Mobius in December, but they're doing it up for CES and launching it... well, in some capacity anyway. We don't really know whether it's a public beta or it's the real deal, but apparently there may or may not be some associated subscription or software fee for it -- we certainly hope not on the former, but we'd like to think the latter could be foregone as well. Either way, we'll be stoked to be watching our teev on the go."
I've been thinking about picking up a SlingBox so that I can stream my cable from home to my office (for business purposes of course :wink: ). Pocket PC support is just another great benefit they are adding to this product. If only this would work with a PSP, I would be in heaven.