"As usual, there's no shortage of cool HDTVs to check out here at CES. But a few new developments have caught my attention - all of them good, and all worth considering as you make plans to invest in a new high-def set. I'd heard a buzz that plasma TVs offering full 1,920 x 1,080-pixel (1080p) resolution would show up at CES, and it turned out to be true. Panasonic's 65-inch 65PX500 (price yet to be announced) is among the standouts. The company's 103-inch plasma definitely turned more heads, but this 65-incher is the kind that you want to take home with you - and you'll be able to do just that when it hits stores in the fall."
A number of other HDTV types made to CES as well, like LED-Driven DLP
and Front-Projection TVs. Having just bought a big screen HDTV that can do 1080p natively, I definitely recommend looking at this article and researching the new/next gen TVs before buying something.