"Sony's future as a hardware company and legacy as a media company are both riding on PlayStation 3--its long-awaited next-generation game console. But the less Sony says about the device, the louder skeptical voices grow. Sony hasn't said much about the PS3 since May 2005, when it spilled details about the console's new processor and high-definition graphics. It's been mum since then. And when no new details were presented at the Consumer Electronics Show this month--either during Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer's keynote speech or under the roof of the company's megabooth, where it showed off a demo of the machine but wouldn't provide any other details--the buzz got only stronger. Now industry observers are wondering when the machine will finally debut and what the price tag will be--both for consumers and for Sony itself."
Man, o' man, the news is all bad for Sony right now. Delays, pricing worries, supply problems, market share, it's all bad. Sony may be headed towards a November release as of now which would give Microsoft a one year lead time. The console is slated to retail around $500 with the cell processors and the blu-ray drive. And analysts are saying that Sony won't even be able to meet demand. So major chinks have started to form in this awesome media/game player's armor well before its release. A bit sad IMHO as I was so looking forward to it.