"Since September, fans of video projection have been wide-eyed with excitement over announcements of a string of new models, each better-looking and better-performing than the ones before them. All these models, intended for home theater use, feature a 16:9 wide screen aspect ratio, with 1280x720 resolution; this fits perfectly with the HDTV 720p standard and is also compatible with 1080i. The growing number of seemingly identical models doesn't make life easy for consumers who want to make an informed choice. For this reason, we decided to test the video projectors that are most representative of the new 720p wave, and at the same time bring you up to date on the different technologies they use."
This is a whopping 23-page article telling you about all the major projectors that can do HD, that are in the market now or are coming real soon. Honestly, I have never been a big projector person myself, probably because I have always lived in a relatively small apartment. However, this article has really told me a lot I have always wanted to know.