"My first impression of the player was it size. I have not seen the X series in person, so I can only compare to the F series, and there is a significant difference. Sure the specs tells it all, but it is always hard to get an idea from the specs alone. Besides the size the player looks great. I heard several comments from people in the booth how sexy it looks, and some of them seemed to be iPod owners wining about how dated their pods look (Ok, I added that for some flavor...). The new tactile cross looks a little bit "tacky". Not enough to make the player look bad, but enough for you to notice it and wonder if they didn't put enought thought into the design/material. It looks plastic, a softer more matt finish would have worked better."
If you're keen on the forthcoming Gigabeat PMC from Toshiba, this article by a hardcore Gigabeat fan is worth a read. I'm looking forward to that player myself, especially a 60GB version, though I'm still quite enamoured with my Zen Vision:M.