"There's no getting around it—if you want the best possible color from your digital camera, especially the latest pro digital SLR models, you have to grapple with color spaces, both those you choose in the camera, and those you use for browsing and editing your pictures later. If you care about quality, it's as important as making a proper exposure. Okay, so color spaces are a Big Deal. But they're not exactly self-explanatory. Simply put, color spaces define boundaries within the visible color spectrum. Think of a color space as a perimeter fence: all colors inside the fence are represented in that color space; all colors outside are not. The area inside the fence is referred to as the color space's color gamut."
Adobe RGB? sRGB? ColorMatch RGB? An interesting article by Rob Galbraith on colour spaces, a topic I admit to knowing nothing about. I understand RGB vs. CMYK better when it comes to the print world, but am a little fuzzy on the details of sRGB. This article helped - worth a look!