"Searching through TV news Web sites for just what you want can be frustrating, as most broadcast sites only offer search based on the descriptive text associated with each segment. For lengthy interviews and features, zeroing in on content that is relevant to the searcher can mean long downloads and longer playing times, only to find out that the information sought wasn't there. Searching based on the limited text describing each file can mean that meaningful mentions of search terms can be missed altogether. Using TVEyes' free TV search engine at www.tveyes.com, users can be certain they've found exactly what they are looking for by instantly playing video snippets containing their keywords, before visiting the news site to view or download the entire file. TVEyes creates a Spoken Word Index™ for every word in an audio or video file, making Internet TV searchable in the same manner as Google for text pages on the Web."
I assume they are doing this by indexing the video by the broadcast closed captioning data. I could see this being of immense value to students and researchers assuming of course that they get buy-in from the media producers and don't get shut down.