"Have you ever thought about publishing a book of your photographs? Not just an inkjet portfolio, but a book – hardcover, 4 colour, offset printed, about 100 pages? Many photographers have, but then they discover that the new skills required, and the costs, are prohibitive. Of course one could always try finding a publisher, but the world of fine-art photographic books is crowded and competitive, and even if you do get a publishing deal, are you willing to settle for just an 8% financial return after all that hard work? No, I thought not. But still the dream of seeing ones work in a coffee table book, with high quality reproduction, is one that lives on. How then to accomplish this at a cost that doesn't break the bank?"
Dudley Harris of 100 Books Publishing Company comes to your rescue. They offer a program that allows photographers to produce books at $82 / copy if just 100 copies are ordered. But, if you go to 1,000 copies the price drops to just $11.50 / copy. That's pretty cool actually and it looks like a nice service. The article linked here contains a step-by-step description of the process. Hmm, if I thought people would want to buy my photos, I would totally be investing here. :)