"Monitor Calibration sure isn't easy. Or rather, it wasn't. Along came Huey, from Pantone. I have used other Calibration devices, namely Gretag Macbeth's Eye-One. So, what's different? Well, for starters, the price. Huey goes for about $90. Most of the other calibration devices on out there are $150, $250, and more. But for $90, does it work? For many folks, this is a great starting point into the world of color calibration - and for the the advanced procrastinator, too, it's a great way to remove some of the mystery. Why calibrate? It's so important to be sure you are getting great skin tones and to be sure that what you see on screen, matches what you print. Open the box and install the disk. On a Mac, you simply drag the huey icon to your apps folder. Installation was a snap."
I have never actually bothered to ever get my monitor colors callibrated. But for all of you professional designers out there, here's a link for you.