Wednesday, February 15, 2006
More Insanity: Rootkit Delivery via DVD
Posted by Jason Dunn in "NEWS" @ 02:00 AM

Good grief! Just when I thought the entertainment industry couldn't possibly do anything more to piss off their customers (I should really learn by now, shouldn't I?), the German Mr. & Mrs. Smith DVD release contains copyright protection that installs itself at a low level, similar to a rootkit (the distinctions are a bit blurry at the moment). This is insane - the people buying the DVD are very likely not the ones ripping it and uploading it. Most people that are willing to pay for a movie are not the types to rip one and share it with the world. I'm already holding my breath in fear every time I put a new CD in my PC, now I have to do the same thing with my DVDs? Not cool.