"MovieBeam has been out for less than 2 days and at this point I'm going out on a limb and predicting its failure. When I first blogged about this yesterday morning I was pretty excited, but after further investigation I'm convinced it will fail and here is why. The biggest challenge with any new technology is adoption by the consumer. People are creatures of habit and often they don't use the best, but more likely what they know. This explains why so many people still go to the Video store or use the Windows "Classic Menu". Unless they can be convinced that the new technology is noticeably better than the old, they won't try it. There are early adopters that long to try new technology, but MovieBeam is not setting themselves up to please these people either."
Interesting. He correctly says that people are creatures of habit and often they don't use the best, but more likely what they know. I agree that the upfront cost of almost $200 is going to be quite prohibitive. I just don't see people moving away from a Netflix like model because it requires very little hardware change since almost all of us have DVD players already. Have any of you invested in this already?