Monday, February 27, 2006
Nikon Announces Capture NX
Posted by Suhit Gupta in "NEWS" @ 05:00 PM

I remember using the previous version of this software because I wanted to convert the RAW images from my friend's camera into jpg's and I was quite disappointed because it seemed to be so slow and a memory hog. I actually researched around to see if others were having this issues and it didn't look to be something that was common. Anyways, I just downloaded Microsoft's RAW convertor and was quite satisfied with the results. Anyways, the new version is an incremental upgrade to the previous version and is designed to offer a powerful and easy to use alternative to software like Photoshop. Let me know what you guys think of it. I am definitely looking to Jason for some feedback here after his post from earlier on being almost certain on picking up a Nikon.