"When Apple released Aperture 1.0 in November of last year, it got a mixed reception from both the critical press and the professional photographers for whom it was intended. The company has since released updates to Aperture (1.0.1) and the Macintosh operating system (OS X 10.4.4), both of which address problems that early Aperture users faced. With these changes in place, there's a lot to love in the software, but it still may not be the perfect solution for pro digital photogs. The program requires at least a machine with a 1.25-GHz G4 processor, 1GB of RAM, and a display resolution of 1,280-by-780, but it's finicky about video cards. We tested on a Macintosh dream machine: a Quad 2.5-GHz Power Mac G5 with 4GB of RAM, an nVidia Quadro FX 4500 graphics card, and two (yes, two) 30-inch Cinema Display monitors."
Well, apparently the slick interface of Aperture is not enough to make it a piece of software that one can recommend to professional photographers given its occassional bugginess and its inferior RAW support. Plus, it does seem to require a fairly hardcore system to run and it comes at a whopping $500. I don't think this will be an Apple product that people will go ga-ga over, I guess we will have to wait until the next version.