Monday, March 6, 2006
TiVo Hopes to Sell Software to Other DVR Makers
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "NEWS" @ 01:00 PM

Like most smart companies, Tivo sees that the money lies in licensing and subscription fees, not in the notoriously cut-throat low-margin battlefield of consumer electronics. After reading this article, it is even clearer to me why Tivo has dominated in the DVR marketplace while its' competitors have languished. Witness this quote from Cisco's Chief Development Officer, Charles Giancarlo: "With user interfaces, the technology is not very complicated. I don't tend to believe that user interfaces are all that hard to create..." Doesn't he get it? Sure, they're not hard to create, but making a user interface that's intuitive, interactive, and that users actually enjoy is where the real challenge lies. Witness the success of Apple's iPod, Tivo, or the Xbox 360. They may not have the best technical specifications, but they deliver the best user experience, and that's what people are willing to pay for.