"Our.imgSeek is a cool new site that looks like it is going to try and become the Digg of the photo sharing world. Basically how it works is that you submit photos to the site and then people either rank your photo up or down. For those in the Flickr community that hate the idea of "popularity" at Flickr this is going to be like pouring gasoline on an already brightly burning fire. For those that think that the crowd can in fact have wisdom, this site may be a very interesting place to discover images. What's really nice about the site is that if you've already got an account at Flickr there is no reuploading and retagging needed. The site is working with Flickr's API and you can easily just redirect your Flickr stream there and people will begin seeing your images. But it is not a Flickr only toy. The site also will allow you to upload images from everywhere on the internet."
Community based sites are popping up everywhere (Wikipedia, digg, del.icio.us, and flickr to name a few) but I wonder how many new users will be pulled into this site because I often think that this is a niche area. Check out the site though, it is quite slick. Not quite as slick as the new live.com site but still some very good use of Ajax.