"Here's one for people to mull over while daydreaming at work: What resolution video is considered true HD? Theater at Home points out that HD blogs (HDBeat.com, HDBlog.net, HighDefinitionBlog.com) are buzzing about this "controversial" topic and are trying to determine if 720p (1280x720), XGA (1280x768), and/or 1080i/1080p (1920x1080) output resolution should carry the HD moniker. To add to the discussion, I often wondered if websites that offer 16x9 widescreen format video should be waving the HD flag as well (just because it's 16x9 doesn't make it so in my opinion). What's your take? My thought is anything digitized at 720p or above is HD, but I think the eventual standard will be 1080p once the market starts maturing."
Hmm, I was always under the impression that HD was 1080i/1080p. But it looks like a number of people are of the impression that 720p is high definition as well thus allowing all monitors capable of showing 1280x768 to carry the HD moniker. What do you folks think?