"As the first of a series of PSP products to be introduced in short order, Griffin has reinvented its iFM Radio Tuner and Remote Control. iFM for PSP integrates FM radio tuning and a handy remote control in a tiny, unobtrusive enclosure. Griffin Technology Inc. today announced the availability of SmartShare, a headphone/audio splitter with a difference. The difference is separate volume controls for each listener. Griffin Technology Inc., creator of all things iPod, has turned its attention to all things PSP... In keeping with this commitment, Griffin now expands its best-selling iTrip product family to include the PSP."
Above is a picture of the PSP audio splitter but tons more information is available at
http://www.griffintechnology.com/. The iTrip and the iFM cost $50 each, while the audio splittler is only $15. I have played with Griffin Technology's products before and have always liked them a lot.