Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Windows Media Center Reason for 60% Rewrite of Windows Vista...Not!
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "ARTICLE" @ 01:00 PM

While I have to believe what Charlie Owen says about Vista's development progress (and I'm inclined to, given the fact that a 60% "rewrite" would be a monumental task at this point), I just have to point out something in his article here. Eight hours until you need to reboot the system? WHAT? Are you kidding me? Last time I checked, if you have to reboot every 8 hours, that indicates a serious problem! I leave my XP machine running for days and weeks on end without a reboot, and about the only thing I have to restart from time to time is Avant Browser. I hope they resolve that problem well before the release, because otherwise I'll be sticking with XP. Eight hours. Sheesh. Other than that it sounds great. :lol: