"Until now, in order to play your DivX encoded copies of The Matrix on your Xbox360, you had to resort to a "hack", which was functional, but required you to be somewhat computer savvy to get it running. Well, Jake Ludington may very well have found a simpler solution for getting those DivX files playing on your swank, new 360. MCE Video Encoder, from Gary Stimson at LightningWare, converts your DivX, XviD and other video files on the fly through any MCE extender, including the 360. Also, it supports fast-forward and skip ahead along with play and pause features. The true beauty of MCE Video Encoder is it's simplicity and it's price (free, of course). You will need to install the actual DivX player to get it to work, but installation is relatively easy and you get a fully supported MCE interface as well. Head over to Jake's site for more details and screenshots."
While it's great to see independent coders creating solutions to "problems" like this, I have to wonder how useful this really is. You still have to have Windows Media Center Edition, and I'm going to make a wild guess that the type of folks who want to use Divx on the Xbox 360 are not the type of folks who are going to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy an OEM Windows MCE computer. This is almost a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. :?