Saturday, April 1, 2006
My Nikon D200 has Arrived! w00t w00t!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 04:54 PM

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No, it's not a cruel April Fool's day joke I'm playing on myself, my Nikon D200 really did arrive! I was in agony yesterday as I kept checking the Canada Post tracking site to see if there was any new information, but "Out for Delivery" was all it would tell me. I didn't leave my house, and kept the music low to make sure I heard the doorbell. I called Canad Post customer service and they said that because it was a Priority Courier shipment, it would be delivered right to my door before 5PM. So I waited...and waited. At 6PM I had given up, and this morning when I checked the tracking site I saw that it said it was at a local post office for pick-up. What? I called, and sure enough, my local post office had it. An hour later I had it in my hands, but it wasn't until just a few moments ago that the battery was charged up and I was ready to start using it. I figured it was poetic that the last image I took with my Canon Digital Rebel would be of the new camera that's replacing it. And the first photo I'm going to take with the D200 will be of my beautiful wife Ashley, a tradition I started with my Digital Rebel. Problem is, she's not home at the moment, so I'll have to content myself with reading the manual and setting up the camera. Oh the torture...I can hear the siren song..."Test my burst rate! Test my burst rate!". :lol: It's going to be a fun weekend!