Monday, April 10, 2006
Nikon Digitutor
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 01:00 AM

If you own a Nikon digital camera and you're just getting started with it, you owe it to yourself to check out Nikon's Digitutor. It's an online Flash video system that walks you through the basic functionality of your camera. I spent about an hour going through the D200 tutorial today, and I learned a lot about my camera - I find it hard to understand and absorb the D200 manual, likely because it was written by someone who made a lot of assumptions about the knowledge level of the user.
My only two knocks against the Digitutor site is that they seem to lack sufficient bandwidth: every minute or two, the Flash playback would pause and I'd have to wait 10 seconds or so for it to continue. It doesn't completely buffer to the end of the file like YouTube does either, so you can't pause it for five minutes and come back to a smooth playback experience. My other knock is that in some parts, I was hoping for more information and examples. The Digitutor was a good way to get started with my D200, but I'd love to see a more detailed approach. Is anyone familiar with other digital camera training resources similar to Digitutor? I'd be willing to pay for a service that trained me to use my D200.