"What would you do with these 12 images if all you could use was image-editing software? If you had to use elements from at least four of these photos and no other images? Could you create a work of art? That was the challenge that more than 900 pixel-jockeys took this year in our third annual test of image-editing skills. We provided a dozen photos for readers to download. As you can see, this photographic raw material ranged from the sublime to the goofy. And so did the finished products that were submitted to the contest. Flying saucers, surreal swimming pools, kids surfing on city streets, as well as gorgeous bucolic scenes. We got it all as our readers let their creative juices flow. You can see the 25 finalists and hundreds of semifinalists."
That is some pretty amazing skill there in those edited images. I mean some of those finalist images are awesome. I had never heard about the Digital Wizard contest but it is good to know of such events. Anyways, while we have never held an official image editing contest here on DMT, please feel free tp post some of your work if you are particularly proud of some piece.