"Chances are that you first heard rumors about Sony’s Portable TV service (P-TV) for the Playstation Portable when the 2.0 firmware was first released. With H.264 support came news of a new service starting in Japan where PSP owners would be able to download video content directly to their Memory Sticks. By now the service has been up and running for several months, albeit with a slightly flawed business model. Read on to find out why and see examples of how it works. It’s a service where registered users can download video content formatted for PSP directly to it. Some content is free, most will cost you a few hundred yen to download. Here comes the flawed part, the download is DRM-protected, and you only have a limited time in which to watch your download, after that you will have to pay up again. The time allowed ranges from 5 to 30 days on most downloads."
It is cool to see some of the screenshots of the actual service that has been talked about for so long now. eHomeUpgrade claims that Apple shouldn't worry quite yet, but this is probably being based on the fact that Sony has had a tendency to screw up great opportunities in the past (PSP, UMDs, Memory Stick etc. being examples). Anyways, so far it looks good and relatively feature rich. Time will tell regarding how will it is received. If it were available here in the US, would you use it?