Tuesday, April 25, 2006
C|NET Reviews the Klipsch Synergy Sub-12
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 02:36 PM

Being a bass player, I love low frequencies. And, thankfully, I've managed to keep all my low-frequency hearing intact so I can appreciate a good subwoofer. When it comes to subwoofers, bigger is usually better - a 10" sub can't give you the same bottom end as a 15" sub. There's a reason why your mobile phone ringtone just doesn't have that bottom end. ;-) This review from C|NET focuses on a subwoofer from Klipsch that delivers. I tend to be a fan of Klipsch - I'm listening to some Beatles tunes on a pair of Klipsch Promedia 2.1 speakers and the song has never sounded better. On the other hand, my faith in Klipsch was badly shaken when the first pair of these speakers that I bought went belly-up defective after 60 days and I discovered that Klipsch had no local service center and I was expected to ship the speakers across the country in order to get them repaired. Not exactly confidence building. :?