Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Shifting the Commerical-Based Revenue Paradigm
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "NEWS" @ 11:00 AM

I had pretty much the same reaction when we reported on this new patent a few weeks back. When I told my wife about it, she totally flipped out! My wife cannot stand to watch commercials, and always goes surfing when one comes on. After reading this article, I've come to understand that the issue is deeper and more fundamental than our freedom to surf or fast-forward. At stake here is the very income of the television industry: sponsors. For example: How is the Sci-Fi Channel supposed to sell advertising time for Battlestar Galactica when it can be shown that fully half of their watchers own DVRs and that 70% of them are skipping the commercials entirely. Thus Sci-Fi gets no money to support quality shows like BSG and are stuck with reruns of Xena. Shows like BSG may even stop being made because the revenue just isn't there. Obviously, the old paradigm of feeding us 3 minutes of ads for even 7 minutes of content can't be supported in the long run. The TV industry needs to find some other way making money. Personally, I think I would rather pay a yearly subscription to the shows I actually watch than a monthly subscription to my cable provider. What about you? How would you like to see the industry make money and still provide us quality programming (and our DVRs)?