Sunday, May 21, 2006
IGN Rips Sony a New One Over Lack of HDMI on $499 PS3
Posted by Jeremy Charette in "ARTICLE" @ 03:00 PM

Sony is betting the farm on Blu-Ray, and the PS3 as the vehicle to get it to the masses. But if the $499 PS3 can't play back Blu-Ray discs in all their high definition glory, any price advantage that the PS3 will have over a standalone player is for naught. Microsoft caught flak from the press and consumers over the fact that the $299 Xbox 360 Core system didn't have many features that the $399 Premium system came with, and rightly so. Even so, consumers could upgrade that Core system to a Premium by purchasing all of the extra components that made them different (hard drive, wireless controller, headset...). With the PS3, that isn't an option. They haven't announced how users will be able to upgrade to the 60 GB hard drive, the memory slots can't be upgraded, and worst of all, it's impossible to add HDMI support. Sony needs good will with their customers, especially after all the bad press surrounding copy protection on their CDs, and this situation isn't going to help them.