"Let’s get to the ugly. There were several issues. The results when shooting in low light were poor with loads of noise and soft colors. Focusing was not a problem in most instances but the results were sub par even though the camcorder grabbed a bit before zeroing in. Even when using the LED light, video quality was disappointing because it pumps out a minimal amount of illumination. Indoor close-ups were O.K. using the light but wider shots were clear misses. And yes, I adjusted white balance, sharpness and ISO for better results but they were just marginal improvements."
Looks like this one is a swing-and-a-miss. There seem to be a lot of these small, disk based camcorders coming out nowadays. I have yet to read about one that doesn’t have disappointing video quality. I thought the point of Hidef was to make the picture look
better. Keep trying guys. I’m sure you’ll get it.