"LensPlay, a new website and a divison of Bob Atkins Photography, is a database of lens information, mostly concerning lenses available in a Canon EOS compatible lensmount. It also includes brief reviews, LensPlay ratings and user contributed ratings. The database can be searched by focal length range, aperture range and price. This contains information on many lenses (currently about 185) which are available in a Canon EOS compatible mount, plus a few special lenses which can be adapted to the Canon EOS mount. The complete current list of lenses can be found on the Lens List page. From the Database Query page the database is searchable by focal length, aperture and price and each lens in the resulting list has its own page with technical data, ratings and comments. The highest rated lenses are listed on the Top Twenty Lenses Page "
While the site is currently focused on Canon lenses, I suspect that other lenses will soon make it to this site. Anyways, I would recommend that you start with the Top 20 Lenses link. Very good read.