"Sound And Vision Magazine does the wrestling match thing, pitting different display technologies against one another. The first round is DLP versus LCoS rear-projection displays. Then they do the DLP versus LCD thing. Then they have a plasma versus matchup. The main problem with these match-ups is that they just test one display of each kind. For example, the DLP versus LCoS matchup pitted HP’s 58-inch md5880n DLP and Sony’s 60-inch KDS-R60XBR1 SXRD against one another. (SXRD is Sony’s version of LCoS.) In the DLP versus LCoS matchup, the Sony won. But how much of that was Sony, and how much of that is the underlying technology? HP is doing well with their new displays, but let’s be realistic. They’re a newcomer on the block and aren’t exactly known for the video prowess. On the other hand, Sony’s lapped the block many many times, and makes some very good displays."
While I don't really agree with some of the conclusions in the article (mainly because I support LCDs much more that the love they get in this piece), I do feel that the article is well written and quite thorough.