"I've been telling everyone for years how important timing is to color. Here are some examples. These are straight out of my D200 and 18 - 200 VR, except for resizing and branding. There's been no color or exposure tweaking. I have full-sized example files from this camera combo here. The published sunset was 7:05 PM. That's the time at which the sun drops below the water if you're at the beach. Of course it goes away sooner if there's a mountain or building in the way. The best sky colors for these sorts of shots usually happen a half hour afterwards. This varies depending on weather, God, latitude, time of year and elevation, so I can't cheat and simply shoot 30 minutes after sunset."
Fantastic short piece with some great images and tips on working towards identifying just the right lighting for getting those perfect images. I particularly appreciated this article since I was recently in Scotland and then took a short vacation in Turks & Caicos and it turns out that in both places I often thought of waiting for just the right lighting conditions in order to capture great photos.