"The most important thing that a person can do is properly calibrate their HDTV. It is absolutely imperative that it is done to get the best picture. One of our readers, Kyle Thibaut, is as concerned as we are and wants to make sure that everyones HDTV is properly done. There are more then a few ways to have this done, with options in every budget. The best way is to have a professional do it, but there are some good do-it-yourself options out there too. Digital Video Essentials - $19.99 - HDBeat Recommended; Monster/ISF HDTV Calibration Wizard DVD - $29.99; AVIA Guide to Home Theater - $39.95; SpyderTV Calibration tool - $199.99"
I have never actually used an HD callibration system before but I can see the huge advantage of doing so. Has anyone used one before? What has the experience been like?