Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Hagiwara ExpressCard CompactFlash Card Adaptor
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 08:00 AM

And that brings us to the Hagiwara ExpressCard CompactFlash card adaptor (pictured above and available direct from Hagiawara for $59.95 USD). It's L:89mm x W:54mm x H:5mm in size, and weighs in at 20.6 grams. As you can imagine, it only does one thing: it allows you to access any CompactFlash memory card, Type I or Type II, via the ExpressCard slot. It mounts as a removable storage device accessible in My Computer just like a USB Flash Drive, and doesn't require drivers. So why would you go this route versus the more common (and cheaper) Cardbus adaptor? One word: speed. The ExpressCard standard offers a limit of 500 MB per second bandwidth, much more than the 132 MB per second offered by Cardbus. In my tests with the same 4 GB worth of photos mentioned above, I was able to complete the transfer in 10 minutes 52 seconds. That’s almost 600% faster than using the Cardbus adaptor, and to me that time saved is precious because I can get right down to editing rather than watching a long copy process finish.

The Hagiawara adaptor unfortunately isn’t flush with the ExpressCard port (see photo above), meaning you can’t travel with it in the slot. That’s quite unfortunate, because I’m in the habit of leaving my Cardbus CompactFlash adaptor in the slot making it a permanent part of the laptop. And given the cost, some may prefer to still use a Cardbus adaptor even if their laptop has an ExpressCard slot. Still, for my needs, the Hagiawa ExpressCard CompactFlash fulfills it's purpose quite nicely and has become a permanent part of my digital photography kit.