"Mounting a projector or large flat panel display can be an intricate project - especially for installations where the customer's vision must be balanced with the house or building structure. To help you easily deal with installation practicalities and turn a home entertainment vision into a reality, mount manufacturers have designed a broad variety of systems, including wall mounts, ceiling mounts, carts, floor stands and table stands. Not all custom installers are fully aware of all of the wall and ceiling mount options that are available, and so miss the opportunity to make flat panel mounts an integral part of the sale, rather than an afterthought. A good start to creating a great installation therefore, is knowing the mounting options that are readily available, and having sufficient knowledge to choose the best one for a particular application."
This is a well written article that talks about the various ways to mount a flat panel style television/display. I would absolutely love to do the Concealed Large Flat Panel Display Mount but ended up being boring (or safe, depending on the way you look at it :-)) having both my LCDs table mounted. Do any of you mount your displays?