Thursday, July 13, 2006
Samsung's BD-P1000 Blu-ray Player Reviewed at PC Magazine
Posted by Damion Chaplin in "HARDWARE" @ 04:00 PM

PC Magazine gave the BD-P1000 a 4 out of 5 rating, which is pretty good compared to 2½ out of 5 they gave Toshiba's HD-A1 (the HD-A1 doesn't do 1080p). However, they conclude the review saying both players are pretty comparable and you should really opt for the BD-P1000 if you're dead set on Blu-ray. The BD-P1000 also gave a superior out-of-the-box experience, but I would trade a little tinkering any time to save $500. That's right: The first Blu-ray player on the market is twice as expensive as the first HD-DVD player on the market. If you were an average consumer standing in your local B&M store trying to decide on a high-def player, which do you think you would go for? $1000 or $500?